Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
Contributed talks
Philippe Briet: Weak field response of quantum gases
Jean-Bernard Bru: Fermi Systems With Long Range
Interactions (abstract)
Tatiana Dudnikova: Hydrodynamic limit for harmonic
crystals (abstract)
Tatiana Yarmola: Ergodic properties of some open mechanical
particle systems (abstract)
François Huveneers: Perturbation of disordered harmonic
chains by anharmonic interactions (abstract)
Takashi Imamura: Replica analysis of the one-dimensional
stationary Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation (abstract)
Oskari Ajanki: Transport of energy through long disordered
harmonic chains (abstract)
Keiichi R. Ito: Absence of Phase Transitions in 2D O(N)
Symmetric Heisenberg Model with Large N, Analysis of
Renormalization Group Flow (abstract)
Christian Webb : Normalization of low temperature and
critical Mandelbrot cascades (abstract)
Miika Nikula: On Mandelbrot cascade measures at the critical
point (abstract)
Alexei Rebenko: Cell gas model of classical statistical
N. E. Dubinin: The square-well model within the mean
spherical approximation as a reference system in variational
calculations for liquid metals
Oleg Gendelman: Nonstationary heat conduction in one -
dimensional models with substrate potential
Yutaka Shikano: Cleverest Maxwell's demon
Olena Sazonova: The Continual approximate solution of the
Boltzmann equation
Flora Koukiou: The entropy of the mean-field spin glass
Anton Trushechkin: Derivation of the particle dynamics from
kinetic equations: a new view of the reversibility paradox
Masafumi Fujimoto: Moduli of Equilibrium Crystal Shapes and
Critical Phenomena